

Rarely do I get time to draw these days but I like to for fun.
Egypt is one of my obsessions.

Here I was attempting to draw the boy King Tutankhamen. I drew him too old however. Maybe it could be how he might have looked had fate given him more time.

It's unfinished, but I kind of like that. It almost looks on purpose.


/poster - work social club event

This was a fun project. I was asked to design a poster for our work social club's annual art competition. Humourus and junky works of art are put together with a theme and people compete for a prize. The art is judged and it's a fun event people look forward to every year.

The theme this year was "Food Bowl", something topical at the moment where I work. I cut out pictures of fruit and created Fruity Miranda to promote the event. This is the final version but I blacked out an email address for privacy purposes.


/charity part 2

Here is the second card being considered for inclusion. See previous post for more info.

ps sis, note watermark on images x


/expo: 2008 New Orleans Maritime Event

The Pacific International Maritime Exposition is a major international maritime, naval and defence-related event that brings together key industry, defence and government decision makers from South East Asia and around the world.

This brief required the client, in this case Martime Tasmania and The Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts , to be able to stand out amongst many others at a large expo in New Orleans, Louisiana USA.

I designed some backlit panels to fit the stands as well as a large hanging banner to help people locate Maritime Tasmania.

A curious problem was solved with the printers' first ever giant zipper which seperates the top half of the logo banner with the bottom half consisting of words that may need to be replaced at a later date. This ensures the re-usability of the expensive and large banner.
The original logo for Maritime Tasmania was not created by me.



Just a magazine template for fun...



This is a poster created for an annual concert with two private schools participating.

I created several stock images to use on the poster by delving into the school's excellent archives for old notebooks, music sheets and other goodies.



I was asked to contribute a piece to the 2009 Royal Hobart Hospital and Menzies Research Institute annual Christmas fundraiser.

Artists donate a piece to be auctioned off to raise much needed funds for important medical research.

I created a piece entitled de-constructed which represents what happened in my life when I discovered someone close to me had terminal cancer. This is one of two pieces being considered.

This was created using a photo from a few years ago of the Family Christmas tree. I took it through several processes in photoshop and illustrator to get the exact type of outline I needed.

It looks much better printed (you'll just have to believe me).

/logo: All Star Cast


The podcast for Jen Reviews Movies needed its own logo. The radio station it's attached too uses a vibrant red along with the black and white style chosen for the creator's personal site. A mix of the two led to this play on images. Bright, fun and playful like the podcast itself.


/corporate identity: Jen Reviews Movies

/logo element /twitter identity /profile image

/twitter background

/blogger banner

My most demanding client (me) needed a whole new look and feel for an online presence.

A logo, color and font scheme was needed to visually link the client's website, blog, twitter, facebook and various other identities spread across the internet. Even an email signature was created to match the new identity.

In the end I used the KISS principle and kept it simple...stupid.

jen reviews movies


////////////////////thanks for coming to see my work