I was asked to design a portfolio for the 2009 Savour Tasmania event, in which famous chefs from Australia and around the world gathered to share cooking with professionals and laymen alike.
The book was easy to design with a set of colours/fonts/logo already laid out by another designer. Not to mention there were some of the best photos I've ever seen to use in various ways within the portfolio. The use of these items was my idea and I wanted it to have a magazine look.
I was limited in my design for the contents page, a favourite page of mine in any publication, so that was a bit disappointing. However, most of the book I was able to finish without much design commentary from others. I'm still in the process of trying to get it printed correctly but here are some shots of the book in proof form.
I'll post better images soon created from the design file rather than photographed.
***Update: I was able to have this reprinted and the disappointments in the first printing were all corrected. Apart from the document not having a silver foil cover due to budgeting issues, it's perfect!